
Prezzo I.V.A. inclusa (22%)



Stax SR L300 è una cuffia elettrostatica, come da tradizione nella quale il produttore eccelle ed è da sempre punto riferimento.

Push-Pull electrostatic oval sound element, Open-Air type enclosure

Frequency Response: 7 – 41,000Hz

Capacitance: 110pF (including cable)

Sensitivity: 101dB / 100V r.m.s. 1 kHz

Bias Voltage: 580V DC

Left & Right Channel Identification: ‘L’ and ‘R’ indicated on the arc assembly, solid line (left) and dotted line (right) on cable

Ear Pads: High-quality synthetic leather

Cable: OFC parallel 6-strand, low-capacity wide cable, 2.5m full length

Ambient Temperature & Humidity: 0 to 35ºC / 90% max. without condensation

Weight: 11.4oz without cable / 15.8oz with cable

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